Monthly Archives: April 2015

Ancestry Academy Launches!

aaOne of my passions is education and another is genealogy.  So you can imagine that being a participant in Ancestry Academy is just all sorts of fun for me!

I currently have 3 classes live:

and two more coming soon:

You will also find a great selection of other course at Ancestry Academy including Paula Stuart Warren discussing Native American Research, J Mark Lowe giving you a new set of tools to analyze the 1790-1840 census records and Juliana Szucs discussing Immigration and Passenger ListsCheck out all 15 and be sure to keep coming back.

I’d love to hear your feedback!

Wrap up on VGS Presentation

April 11th, I spent the day with over 200 researchers at the VGS spring conference and  they were a lively and fun group.

You can find my slides from those presentations at Slides and Presentations.

Here are the spread sheet examples:

Happy Searching!

Upcoming Presentation in Richmond, VA and Slides from Last Week.

I’ll be presenting to the Virginia Genealogy Society in Richmond Virginia on Saturday, April 11: Spring 2015 Conference

I had a great time this past Saturday presenting to the members of San Luis Obispo Genealogy Society.

I’ve posted my slides on my presentations page — check it out : Slides from Past Presentations